How to Create a venv With a Specific Python Version: Step-by-Step




Creating a virtual environment with a specific Python version is a fundamental skill for developers who want to efficiently manage dependencies across multiple projects. This process ensures that each project operates with the correct version of Python, which helps in avoiding compatibility issues and maintaining a clean, organized working environment. In this article, we'll delve deeper into how you can create a virtual environment with a specific Python version while expanding on the concepts involved.

What is a Virtual Environment?

A virtual environment in Python is essentially an isolated workspace that allows you to install and manage Python packages for a particular project without interfering with other projects or the global Python installation on your system. This isolation is critical for maintaining project-specific dependencies, allowing developers to work in a consistent development and deployment framework.

The beauty of virtual environments is that they encapsulate all the dependencies required by a project in a single directory. This means you can have different projects on the same machine using different versions of packages or even different versions of the Python interpreter. This is particularly useful when working on projects that require different dependencies or when contributing to open-source projects that may have specific version requirements.

Why Use a Specific Python Version?

Using a specific Python version for a particular project can be crucial for several reasons:

  • Compatibility: Certain projects may require specific Python versions to ensure compatibility with libraries or frameworks they depend on. This is often the case when using older libraries that may not have been updated to support the latest Python versions.

  • Testing: Developers often need to test their applications across different Python versions to ensure compatibility and functionality. This is particularly important for applications that are intended to be used by a wide audience who may not always be using the latest Python release.

  • Legacy Support: In some instances, maintaining older applications might necessitate the use of an older Python version. This is especially true for legacy systems that are still in operation and require occasional updates or bug fixes.

Prerequisites for Creating a Virtual Environment

Before creating a virtual environment with a specific Python version, you need to ensure several prerequisites are in place:

  1. Python Installed: You need to have the desired Python version installed on your system. You can verify the installed versions using the command:

    python --version

    Having multiple versions of Python installed on your system is often necessary when working with different projects. Make sure each version is correctly installed and accessible via your command line.

  2. pip: Ensure that pip, Python's package manager, is available and up to date. You can check the installed version of pip using:

    pip --version

    If pip is not installed, you'll need to install it to manage packages within your virtual environment effectively.

  3. Virtual Environment Package: The venv module, included in the standard library for Python 3.3 and above, is used to create virtual environments. For older Python versions, you might need to install virtualenv, a third-party package that offers similar functionality.

Installing Multiple Python Versions

To create a virtual environment with a specific Python version, it's important to have that version installed on your system. Here’s a guide on how you can install multiple Python versions across different operating systems:

On Windows

  1. Download Installer: Visit the official Python website and download the installer for the desired version. Multiple installers can be downloaded and run on the same machine.

  2. Run Installer: During installation, ensure you check the option to "Add Python to PATH." This step enables you to access Python directly from the command line.

  3. Verify Installation: After installation, open Command Prompt and type:

py -<version> --version

Replace <version> with the version number you installed (e.g., py -3.8 --version).

On macOS

  1. Homebrew: Use Homebrew, a popular package manager for macOS, to manage multiple Python versions:

    brew install python@<version>

    Replace <version> with the version number you wish to install.

  2. Switching Versions: You can use Homebrew's brew switch or adjust your PATH environment variable to switch between installed versions.

On Linux

  1. Using APT: For distributions like Ubuntu, you can use the APT package manager to install different Python versions:

    sudo apt-get install python<version>

    Replace <version> with the version number you wish to install.

  2. Using pyenv: pyenv is a tool that simplifies the process of switching between multiple versions of Python:

    pyenv install <version>
    pyenv global <version>

    This tool is particularly useful for managing multiple versions seamlessly across various projects and environments.

Creating a Virtual Environment with a Specific Python Version

Once you have the desired Python version installed, you can proceed to create a virtual environment tailored to your project's needs. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Verify Python Version

First, confirm all installed Python versions to ensure you have the correct one:

pyenv versions

For Windows users, you can list available versions with:

py -0

These commands will list all Python versions installed on your system, allowing you to select the correct one for your virtual environment.

Step 2: Create the Virtual Environment

Depending on whether you choose venv or virtualenv, the process is slightly different:

  • Using venv: Navigate to your project's directory and run:

    python<version> -m venv env_name

    Replace <version> with the specific Python version you want to use, and env_name with your desired environment name.

  • Using virtualenv: If you prefer using virtualenv, first ensure it's installed with:

    pip install virtualenv

    Then, create the environment:

    virtualenv -p python<version> env_name

    This command creates a new directory containing the virtual environment's files.

Step 3: Activate the Virtual Environment

To begin using your virtual environment, you need to activate it. The activation command varies slightly by operating system:

  • On Windows:

  • On macOS/Linux:

    source env_name/bin/activate

    Activating the environment modifies your shell prompt to include the environment name, signaling that you're working within the virtual environment.

Step 4: Verify the Virtual Environment

After activation, verify that the virtual environment is using the correct Python version by running:

python --version

This command should reflect the Python version specified during environment creation, confirming that everything is set up correctly.

Managing Packages within the Virtual Environment

Once your virtual environment is activated, managing packages becomes a breeze. You can independently handle packages without affecting your system's Python installation:

  • Installing Packages: Use pip to install any necessary packages:

    pip install package_name

    This command installs packages into the virtual environment, keeping them isolated from other projects.

  • Listing Packages: To view installed packages, use:

    pip list

    This lists all packages currently installed in the active virtual environment, along with their versions.

  • Deactivating the Environment: When you're finished working, deactivate the virtual environment with:


This command exits the virtual environment, reverting your shell prompt to its default state and restoring access to your system's Python installation.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While creating and managing virtual environments is generally straightforward, you may encounter some common issues:

Python Version Not Found

If you receive errors stating that the specified Python version cannot be found, check these factors:

  • Ensure the desired version is correctly installed on your system and available in your PATH.
  • Verify that you're specifying the correct version number in your creation command.

Activation Scripts Not Found

If activation scripts aren't present, consider:

  • Reviewing the directory structure: Ensure that the virtual environment setup created the necessary folders and scripts.
  • Confirming the installation: Make sure venv or virtualenv is installed and configured correctly.

Conflicting Packages

In case of package conflicts:

  • Examine your requirements.txt file for incompatible versions.
  • Employ virtual environments to segregate project dependencies, preventing conflicts between global and local packages.


Creating a virtual environment with a specific Python version is an essential practice that grants developers flexibility and control over project dependencies. By adhering to the steps outlined above, you can tailor your development environment to meet your project's requirements, enhancing productivity and minimizing potential issues. Remember, managing multiple Python versions and employing virtual environments are not only best practices but also crucial skills in modern Python development. By mastering these techniques, you ensure a robust and reliable development workflow that can adapt to the changing needs of your projects and the Python ecosystem.

Alesha Swift

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